FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Here are some of our most frequently asked questions.

Application can be made on Form A1, A2 duly signed by allottee/attorney, approved Architect and structure engineer after validation from Architecture Directorate, CDA at Front Office, One Window Operation, Block-III, CDA along with the following documents:

  • Photo copy of form A1, A2 and 4 (four) copies of building plans.
  • Estate Management forwarding letter indicating receipt of appropriate Scrutiny Fee @ Rs.1/- per Sft for residential minimum Rs. 500/- , Institutional Buildings, Agro Farming, Industrial Buildings etc. minimum Rs. 2000/- and Rs.2/- per Sqft for Commercial, Administrative Buildings, Public Offices and Foreign Missions subject to minimum of Rs. 3000/-
  • Copy of N.I.C of Allottee or Transferee or Attorney as the case may be.
  • Copy of Allotment letter or Transfer Letter.
  • Copy of Possession Certificate.
  • Copy of sub-division of plot, if applicable.
  • Copy of acceptance of Attorney, if applicable

Application can be made on Form B1, B2 duly signed by the allottee/attorney, approved architect and structural engineer after validation from Architecture Directorate, CDA at the Front Office, One Window Operation, CDA along with the following documents.

  • Photocopy of Form B1, B2 along with 4 copies of completion plan as per actual construction at site.
  • Estate Management dues clearance.
  • Copy of N.I.C of Allottee or Transferee or Attorney as the case may be.
  • Dues clearance from Revenue Directorate, CDA
  • Completion Scrutiny Fee as per rates of approval of building plans.
  • Proof of payment of Withholding Tax for non residential

The allottee can apply for transfer of plot/house on prescribed transfer application form available at Front Office, One Window Operation, CDA at a cost of Rs.150/- along with the following documents:

  • Original offer letter/allotment letter (to be surrendered)
  • Property Tax Clearance Certificate from Revenue Directorate, CDA (built up property)
  • Indemnity Bonds/ Affidavit/Undertaking (Transferee/Allottee) On Rs.10 Stamp Paper attested by Notary Public
  • Photocopies of N.I.C (attested).
  • Statement recorded before concerned admitting officer by the identifier in case of female allottee.
  • NOC from Building Control Section (BCS), CDA (built up property).
  • Two Photographs each.
  • Bank Draft of Rs.5000/- for within family transaction or as the case may be.
  • Set of three specimen signature/thumb impression of allottee/attorney duly attested.
  • Photo copy of NIC of attesting officer.

The allottee can apply for transfer of property at the Front Office, One Window Operation, CDA through acknowledgement of Oral Gift on stamp paper worth Rs.5/- duly attested by 1st class Magistrate along with the following documents:

  • Original allotment letter to be surrendered.
  • Property Tax Clearance Certificate from Revenue Directorate, CDA (built up property)
  • Indemnity Bonds (Transferee/Allottee)
  • Photocopies of N.I.C (attested)
  • Statement recorded before concerned Deputy Director and duly stamped by him with his official seal
  • NOC from Building Control Section (BCS), CDA. (built up property)
  • Bank Draft of Rs.3000/- or Rs.5000/- as the case may be
  • Photo copies of NICs of two witnesses (attested) For further inquiry Please contact at 051-9215376

An application can be made at Front Office, OWO (One Window Operations), CDA. The application can be given by any one of the legal heirs.

  • An affidavit attested by Class-I Magistrate giving names of all the legal heirs and their relation with deceased.
  • Attested copy of Death Certificate issued by CDA (Directorate of Municipal Administration) or local body.
  • Attested copy of NICs of all the legal heirs.
  • Attested photograph of each of the legal heirs.
  • Form "B" in case of Minors.
  • Pay Order Rs. 5000/- incase of Residential property/ Pay Order Rs. 10000/- incase of Commercial property.
  • Original Allotment/Transfer Letter.
  • In case of surrending his share by some legal heirs in favour of others, Release Deed as per specimen duly registered in the office of
  • Registrar/Joint Registrar.
  • NOC from BCS regarding conforming use.
  • Property Tax Clearance Certificate from Revenue Directorate, CDA.
  • Advertisement in 2 leading newspaper having vast circulation throughout Pakistan as per specimen (to be issued with signatures of the Deputy Director after submission of application.
  • NOC from Loan giving Agency.

An application can be made by the allottee at Front Office, One Window Operation in the name of Director Estate Management, CDA for issuance of C.T.C along with following documents:

  • F.I.R Police Station.
  • Indemnity Bond only attested by 1st Class Magistrate.
  • Press Notice of Newspaper having vast circulation.
  • Photocopy of N.I.C duly attested.
  • Affidavit duly attested by 1st Class Magistrate.
  • Bank Draft of Rs. 1000/-.

Following documents are required for granting permission for mortgage of a property: In case of plot:

  • Execute an agreement with CDA.
  • Copy of Site Plan (provided by CDA).
  • Application for permission to assign addressing Director Estate Management, CDA.

Note: There are two days for the execution of Agreement and Conveyance Deed i.e. Wednesday & Saturday.

  • Application by allottee/ attorney
  • Copy of allotment letter
  • Copy of NIC of allottee/ attorney
  • Pay order for Rs.500/- for First and Rs.1000/- for Second.
  • OWO Directorate shall verify the status of allottee/attorney and then send the application to the concerned Deputy Director in Estate Management-I or II.
  • If no dues are outstanding and there is no stay order, Deputy Director shall forward the possession form to Land Survey Division Counter in OWO Directorate.
  • Land Survey Division shall depute its staff for delivery of possession to the allottee/attorney. After completing the formalities and delivery of possession to the allottee/attorney, the Land Survey Division shall issue a certificate and its copy shall also be furnished to concerned Deputy Director for placing in relevant file.

  • Court decision certified copy.
  • NIC copy of the applicant.

  • Scrutinize the status of applications, regarding completion of formal procedure and issue of demand notices accordingly.
  • Receipt of water connection fee from the consumers as per demand notice.
  • Execution of formal water supply agreement in between the property owner and the Authority.
  • Documents required for water supply agreement.
  • Water supply agreement form.
  • Form A-3 along with its enclosures.
  • Copy of NIC of the applicant
  • Copy of allotment letter.
  • Copy of possession letter.
  • Copy of approval plan.
  • Copy of sewerage fee, road cut fee, water connection fee etc.
  • Issue of material for water connection like clamp, bend tee, pipe, gate valve, etc. and its endorsement on stock register.
  • Endorsement in ledger register to award ledger number.
  • Physical provision of water connection on ground.
  • Forwarding the water supply agreement documents to revenue documents CDA for water billing etc.

  • Application to O.W.O on form A-3.
  • Confirmation of ownership by Estate Management Directorate, CDA.
  • Clearance of outstanding dues with Estate Management Directorate.
  • Payment of construction charges to Estate Management Directorate.
  • Confirmation of water borne pipeline by Water Supply Division-V.
  • Payment of road cutting repair charges to concerned Road Division.
  • Payment of sewerage fee to Maintenance Division-III (SB).
  • Completion of caudal formalities of Water Meter Division.

Any one who encounters any of the emergencies listed below, can call on Universal Access Number 1122 at C.A.R.E.S Center, Capital Hospital

  • Road Traffic Accident
  • Gunshot and Bomb Blast
  • Burns
  • Stroke
  • Acute Cardiac Problems
  • Acute Respiratory Problems
  • Loss of consciousness or unresponsiveness
  • Diminished consciousness or mental confusion
  • Severe alcohol/other drug intoxication
  • Any other problem putting the life of the patient at risk. It dispatches its nearest Medics Unit to reach the site of call within 7 minutes and transport the patient to nearest hospital, providing necessary emergency treatment, at same time.

The transfer of any property shall be restricted in following cases:

  • Outstanding dues (till their clearance).
  • Title of property is disputed in CDA.
  • The cases referred to fraudulent allotment scrutiny committee. Valid stay order issued by any competent court of law.

Following is procedure for applying for refund of deposited money against Flat in Sector I-15 :

  • Rs.5000/- will be deducted from the total amount deposited by allottee.
  • Application for refund with three specimen signatures & thumb impression of the owner/allottee. (Male left thumb/ Female right thumb impression)
  • Allottee has to personally appear before Deputy Director (I-15) for recording the statement.
  • Original Allotment letter
  • Original Offer letter.
  • CNIC copy.
  • Bank Draft/ Pay Order copies

Download Application Form for Sector I-15 Flat here